
What if
Et si cette histoire parlait de toi?

Je ne sais pas si TU te rappelles…

MOI, je n’ai rien oublié.

  • When Trapped

    18 juillet 2022 par

    Trapped in my world, I only feel air is becoming thin Ideals once cherished by two Are just not making sense anymore to me Tired of always keeping hopes and dreams I have inside We have become strangers though we still share laughters You can be mad and tell me nothing will ever change We… Lire la suite

  • Let’s Make It Clear

    18 janvier 2022 par

    If my son were typical I would have tried raising him to be a good man. Thomas is more of a permanent 5-year-old whose future is not as bright as I would have liked. One thing is for sure, he will never consciously be mean to any girl or try to hurt one on purpose.… Lire la suite

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